How Do I Know If My Child Needs Braces?
Although a perfectly straight smile may be beautiful, a healthy bite goes further than being aesthetically pleasing and braces can help. Properly-aligned teeth are easier

3 Things You Should Know When Your Child Has A Toothache
What Are 3 Things I Should Know When My Child Has A Toothache? 1. There Are Signs You Can Look Out For In Little Ones

When is it safe for my child to use regular toothpaste?
At All Kids Dental in Suffolk, VA we understand that every child is different. However, here are some general guidelines that can help you protect

How Thumbsucking Can Lead To More Serious Dental Issues
Thumbsucking might be a habit your baby or toddler will someday outgrow, but it’s best to intervene early to avoid more serious dental issues later

Is it safe to pull out a loose tooth?
Many parents commonly ask our dental office if it is safe to pull out a child’s loose tooth. We hope this article will tell you

3 Tooth Brushing Songs Your Kid Will Love
Here at All Kids Dental of Suffolk, Dr. Joe and Dr. Brett encourage parents and caregivers to find ways to make brushing their teeth less